Raddy Website Design & Development Tutorials | RaddyDev

Build a Recipe Blog using Node.js and MongoDB (Express, EJS, Mongoose…) CRUD – Video Tutorial

By Raddy in NodeJs ·

In this tutorial, we are going to learn how to use Node.js with MongoDB by creating a simple Recipe Blog. I will be using Bootstrap for the layout and a few NPM dependencies (listed below).

Some of the features include:

  • Bootstrap Layout
  • Recipe Categories
  • Recipe Detailed View
  • Search
  • Submit Recipe
  • Find Random Recipe
  • Show Latest Recipes

The Database entries and photos are included in the GitHub repo.

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  1. Mujahid says:

    Love you sir

    1. Raddy says:

      I love you too πŸ˜€

      1. huy khanh says:

        yes sir

        1. Raddy says:


  2. Clemon says:

    Please can you make a tutorial on building hospital management systems with Express, Mongoose, and EJS?
    I really want to learn from you sir

    1. Raddy says:

      That sounds very specific. I am not really sure how hospital management systems work. I will have to have a look and if it’s interesting I could add it to the list. No promises

  3. kushal says:

    i clone the code from github and while i tried to run the app i got this error can u help me out:

    MongooseError: The `uri` parameter to `openUri()` must be a string, got “undefined”. Make sure the first parameter to `mongoose.connect()` or `mongoose.createConnection()` is a
    at NativeConnection.Connection.openUri (C:\kushal folder\recepie\RecipeBlog-MongoDB-Node.js\node_modules\mongoose\lib\connection.js:684:11)
    at C:\kushal folder\recepie\RecipeBlog-MongoDB-Node.js\node_modules\mongoose\lib\index.js:332:10
    at C:\kushal folder\recepie\RecipeBlog-MongoDB-Node.js\node_modules\mongoose\lib\helpers\promiseOrCallback.js:32:5
    at new Promise ()
    at promiseOrCallback (C:\kushal folder\recepie\RecipeBlog-MongoDB-Node.js\node_modules\mongoose\lib\helpers\promiseOrCallback.js:31:10)
    at Mongoose._promiseOrCallback (C:\kushal folder\recepie\RecipeBlog-MongoDB-Node.js\node_modules\mongoose\lib\index.js:1158:10)
    at Mongoose.connect (C:\kushal folder\recepie\RecipeBlog-MongoDB-Node.js\node_modules\mongoose\lib\index.js:331:20)
    at Object. (C:\kushal folder\recepie\RecipeBlog-MongoDB-Node.js\server\models\database.js:2:10)
    at Module._compile (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1101:14)
    at Object.Module._extensions..js (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1153:10)
    [nodemon] app crashed – waiting for file changes before starting…

    1. Raddy says:

      You have to download the project, install the dependencies and set up the database. I have the feeling that you haven’t set up the database. You could watch the start of the video which shows how to do that.

    2. Hira says:

      I am facing the same issue. Can you please tell how to rectify it?

      1. Raddy says:

        Have you installed the dependencies and set up the database?

    3. Kevin says:

      I experiencing the same error and I have done everything right.Please help.

      1. Raddy says:

        You probably need to create the “.env” file and add the MongoDB connection string there. Look on the GitHub Link, there is an explanation of the “.env” file.

        1. Kevin says:

          Okay. Should the .env file be in the ain directory?

          1. Raddy says:

            That’s it, main directory where the app.js file is

  4. Great tutorial! I’ve been doing it and also trying to understand it for about a week, I’m looking forward to add it to my portfolio so I can get a job with it, I’m quite thankful for your initiatives in this field.


    1. Raddy says:

      Thanks for the comment, Andreas. Your portfolio already looks awesome. Good luck!

  5. Nivando says:

    Bro this tutorial is helping me a lot, you’re great!

    regards from Brazil

    1. Raddy says:

      I am glad to hear that, Nivando! Brrrrrraaaaziiiilll!!!! πŸ˜€

  6. Angel Rivera says:

    Hey Raddy,

    I’m watching the tutorial right now and got to the part where we run the command npm start and it’s supposed to say listening on localhost:3000. When I get this and try to open the local host on my browser (safari) the app then crashes and get an error saying the extension has not been provided. Can you help me please?

    Listening to port 3000
    throw new Error(‘No default engine was specified and no extension was provided.’);

    Error: No default engine was specified and no extension was provided.
    at new View (/Users/username/filename/node_modules/express/lib/view.js:61:11)
    at Function.render (/Users/username/filename/node_modules/express/lib/application.js:570:12)

    1. Raddy says:

      Did you include the view engine?
      At the top you need to include:
      const expressLayouts = require(‘express-ejs-layouts’);

      And then:
      app.set(‘view engine’, ‘ejs’);

      Could you please zip your code and email it to me?

      1. Angel Rivera says:

        Ahh, I see it now. I did leave out the app.set(‘view engine’, ‘ejs’). Thank you, in the future I will zip the code and send it to you if I have another issue.

        Thank you for this video and your timely response!!

        1. Raddy says:

          I think that it’s better to ask in the comments as it could potentially help others. I am glad that you fixed it

  7. Meet says:

    This Project is so helpful to me, to complete my university final year project.
    Thank you for making this video in full details πŸ™‚

    Regards from India.

  8. muawya says:

    sir i am trying to following you, sir i did not find the dmmyy data source code(jamieoliver.com), please anybody mention the link here for dmmyy data(jamieoliver.com)

    1. Raddy says:

      At the bottom of the link below, I’ve included the Categories and only two dummy recipes. For more, just copy and paste some data from the internet.

      I hope this helps! πŸ™‚

  9. Ghafar says:

    Top Tutorail!!
    I have to do a combined project for my Big Data and Application of Digital Technology lecture and I would like to use this one but for the Big Data the this data is very small. Could you please help me to find a bigger data that I would be able to use fΓΌr this project?

    thank you so much in advance.
    regard from Afghanistan.

    1. Raddy says:

      Thank you! I guess you could do something with stocks, trading or cryptocurrencies. You could do predictions or you could do real-time analysis on something similar.

  10. paula says:

    First of all, awesome tutorial! I’ve been looking for an example for this exact project to build for my mother. I have a question, though, in displaying the breadcrumbs (as you mentioned at 2:04:50 where you could put the category name in there. I managed to do it, but it’s looping the name b/c of the forEach. First, what is the rationale for the typeof, and how do I list the breadcrumbs only once, no matter how many items are in the category?

    0) { %>


    1. Raddy says:

      You could try to grab the name of the category from the URL.
      The rationale for the type of was that if the variable was undefined then I don’t want to run the code otherwise it will just error.

      console.log(typeof undeclaredVariable);
      // expected output: "undefined"

      if(typeof categories !== 'undefined' ....
      // don't run the code

      There could be another way. You could have a “Main Category” and use that instead. I am pretty sure that this is how WordPress does the Blog Post categories.

      Let me know if you struggle and I will re-install the project to have a look.

  11. Md danish says:

    contact button and about button not working.

    1. Raddy says:

      That’s correct. We created plenty of routes in the application and I felt that there is no need to repeat myself. The about and contact where not the focus of the tutorial.

      You can look at how the other routes work and just replicate one of them. If you are struggling let me know and I will try to help

      1. Md danish says:

        please let me know about the CRUD operation. are you used fully crud operation.

        1. Raddy says:

          The main focus was on displaying data and submitting data. I did show how to delete and update at the end, but no interface for that.

  12. Siyabonga Zwane says:

    Hey Raddy, I tried following your tutoring ( great tutorial by the way). Whenever I try to get the categories from the mongodb (the part we’re meant to update categories with the data from the Recipes.categories) I keep getting a Recipe.find is not a function.

    Please help πŸ™πŸΎ

    Shoutout from South Africa πŸ‡ΏπŸ‡¦

    1. Raddy says:

      Sorry for the slow reply, email notifications don’t seem to be working. Did you manage to fix it?
      In which part of the video is that, maybe let me know the exact time so I can look. By the way, you can reference the code from Github. If that doesn’t help, I’ll be more than happy to try and help you out.

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