Raddy Website Design & Development Tutorials

Old Technical Specifications

This website? Think Frankenstein’s monster of code, but way friendlier. At its core is the mighty WordPress, the open-source hero that keeps countless websites alive (and this one caffeinated). A ~$5 AWS Lightsail VPS keeps everything running smoothly. The site features a custom PHP theme, with modern block-based elements adding some flair.

While it’s been a loyal companion, I’m considering a complete rebuild soon.

*** I am currently testing a new host. An update coming soon. ***

🟒 Website operational. Beep boop.

🌍 Visitors

  • Roughly 30k/mo unique visitors.

🦾 Server

  • Debian GNU/Linux
  • 512MB RAM
  • 1vCPU
  • 20GB SSD
  • 1 TB Transfer

πŸ” Security

  • Cloudflare
  • SSL by Cloudflare
  • AWS Firewall
  • Bitnami
  • Daily Backups

πŸ“° CMS

  • WordPress 6.3.2 (PHP 8.1.10)
  • Custom Theme (Classic)

🧱 Plugins

  • Akismet Anti-Spam
  • CodeMirror Blocks
  • Koko Analytics
  • Safe SVG
  • WP Mail SMTP
  • Yoast SEO (Free Version)

πŸ’° Cost

  • Domains: $30/yr (raddy.co.uk & raddy.dev)
  • Server: ~$5/mo
  • CDN/WAF: $0
  • Email Box: $0
  • Email Delivery: $0 (100 emails/day – SendGrid) 
  • WpRocket: $49/yr (I won’t renew)

  • Yearly Cost: ~ $90

4 responses to “Old Technical Specifications”

  1. Khan Avatar

    Loved this: “WpRocket: $49/yr (I won’t renew)”. lolz
    By the way good work! Keep it up

    1. Raddy Avatar

      πŸ˜„πŸ˜„ Thank you!

  2. Asiomizu Noah Avatar
    Asiomizu Noah

    Why dont you run ads on your webbsite?
    btw i loved your html, css, js, express, nodejs and mongodb tutorial. Next time add comments to the blog

    1. Raddy Avatar

      I doubt that I will get much from it ads, but it could be a good way to generate some revenue… My main worry is that it could make look the website look spammy. In fairness most blogs do have ads… I could do an experiment for a month or two to see what happens.

      I am glad to hear that you love the tutorials. There should be a comment section under each post, but not a global one for blogs. That’s something I could add when I re-design it one day

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