Raddy Website Design & Development Tutorials | RaddyDev

User Management System – Nodejs, Express, MongoDB & EJS

By Raddy in NodeJs ·

In this video, we are going to build a basic User Management System using Node.js, Express, Express-EJS and MongoDB.


Error: TypeError: flash is not a function

Express-flash-message has been updated and no longer works in this project. You can keep the old version or update to another package like “connect-flash”.

npm uninstall express-flash-message
npm install connect-flash
// Remove
//const { flash } = require('express-flash-message');

// Add instead
const flash = require('connect-flash');
// Remove
//const { flash } = require('express-flash-message');

// Instead use
const flash = require('connect-flash');
// Remove
// const messages = await req.consumeFlash('info');

// Instead use
const messages = await req.flash("info");

Happy coding.

  1. ABHI SAHU says:

    Hello raddy, I am getting a vulnerability issue after npm I –save-dev nodemon and many app crashes and in mongodb please help me in this issue.
    I have to submit my project tomorrow.
    My contact number: +91 xxxxxxxx08

    1. Raddy says:

      Hey Abhi, it should be `npm i –save-dev`. I hope this works

  2. Dorian Ashgray says:

    This is a great project for starters, but there are some issues I’ve encountered and sadly haven’t been able to solve on my own.
    1. The pagination disappears when in Search page, and there’s no way to display more results on other pages. So if the limit is 20 results per page, but search returns 30, it only shows 20 and the rest are lost.
    2. The “delete” functionality in user edit page is wonky, for the code in the video it works, but when trying on my own project, the whole webpage just experiences a quick (link 0,1s) fade effect upon clicking the button, and nothing else happens. Not quite sure though whether that’s an issue with my specific code (although its basically carbon copy of the code in the video), or is there a mismatch with dependencies or something else. It’s a bootstrap functionality though, so it’s weird it malfunctions while everything else works fine, but just thought I’d mention it.

    1. Raddy says:

      Hey Dorian, thank you for your feedback. If there is anything I can do to help let me know. It’s strange that you are experiencing problems with Bootstrap – delete functionality. Try to do some debugging and see if you can spot the problem. It’s hard to say what it could be without looking at the code. You could download the code from GitHub and see if you are still experiencing the same problem.

  3. Supriyo Barua says:

    great project I have finished this project successfully thank you so much….

  4. jinta says:

    After uninstalling the flash message and installing the connect flash, my used localhost wont work anymore it says that my localhost is already used

    1. Raddy says:

      Your application might still be using the port number. Try to restart your computer and that should fix it for you

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